College of Education

Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL)

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Tearing Down Obstacles to Student Success — Apply Now to Kickstart a PTR Project!

by Heather McCambly / Jan 28, 2016

OCCRL is excited to announce that the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) is now accepting applications for new Pathways to Results: Partnership and Planning for Student Success projects across Illinois! OCCRL and ICCB are looking for partners interested in assembling a meaningful plan for implementing an evidence-based career pathway improvement that addresses documented gaps in student success. Different than in years past, teams’ PTR work will be concentrated through participation in an intensive two-day institute to prepare for the final deliverable—an intervention plan that is eligible to be considered for a Year Two PTR grant to support implementation and scaling of the project intervention in the 2016/2017 academic year.

Teams will be selected based on their commitment to engage in a PTR project in one of six focus areas:

  • Adult Career Pathways
  • Improvement of Federal Perkins Measures
  • Retention or Completion Improvement Across Multiple Programs
  • Transfer Pathways
  • Program Review
  • Secondary to Postsecondary Transitions

Learn more about Pathways to Results (PTR).