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Program Review Advisory Committee

Program Review Advisory Committee meeting at Olive-Harvey in 2023The Illinois Community College System Program Review Advisory Committee (Advisory) supports the efforts of the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) to coordinate a statewide system of review of instructional programs of study provided by community colleges in Illinois.



Convening the Advisory is part of the commitment made by ICCB and OCCRL to work with practitioner-scholars statewide. Through the collaboration, the organizations support an equitable and evidence-driven program review process that promotes rigorous programs and exceptional outcomes for students and institutions. The Advisory will assist the following goals in this work: 

  1. Improve the efficiency and efficacy of the program review process by identifying challenges, redundancies, and omissions and providing recommendations for refining the process.
  2. Identify, develop, and/or refine professional development, technical support, and supplemental materials that could improve outcomes associated with program review.
  3. Improve the application of program review findings in colleges' campus-level programmatic planning and decision-making processes.


Service on the Advisory is voluntary by self-nomination. The Advisory is comprised of eight professionals who have substantive experience with program review in Illinois. These individuals are employed at an Illinois community college and willing to serve on the committee for at least two years—sometimes three—to provide continuity throughout the implementation of the new program review cycle.

Members of the Advisory attend four meetings annually. Three of the four quarterly meetings are virtual two-hour gatherings, and the fourth meeting is four hours and takes place in person. Advisory members spend time preparing for meetings, travel to the in-person convening, and engage in targeted activities or tasks organized by subcommittees.

Advisory Committee

Michelle Adams
Dean of Student Services/Student Development
City Colleges of Chicago
M. Lynn BreerDirector of Institutional Research and ReportingLake Land Community College
Steve DamarjianDistrict Director, Decision SupportCity Colleges of Chicago
Joanne Ivory, Ph.D.Dean of Career and Technical ProgramsHarper College
Sydne Kasle, Ph.D.Coordinator, Center for Teaching and Learning ServicesHighland Community College
Barbara LeachVice President of InstructionKishwaukee College
Hilary MeyerDean of Academic SuccessTriton College
    Kristin Shelby, Ph.D.Dean of Transfer and Adult Education ProgramsShawnee Community College
Amanda Smith, Ed.D.Vice President of Liberal Arts and Adult Education, Chief Academic OfficerRock Valley College
Cathy TaylorAcademic Dean, Elgin Community CollegeElgin Community College
Kenneth Thompson, Ed.D., MBAProfessor of Culinary Arts, Dual Credit LiaisonJoliet Junior College


Past Members of the Program Review Advisory Committee

These individuals were employed at the institutions listed during the time they served as committee members and may work elsewhere now.


Jonita Ellis, College of DuPage
Kathleen Gorski, Waubonsee Community College
Michelle Johnson, Carl Sandburg College
Kathy Malcolm, Black Hawk College
David Naze, Highland Community College
Daniel Pattley, City Colleges of Chicago
Kristin Shelby, Shawnee Community College
Jacob Winters, Black Hawk College
Teena Zindel-McWilliams, Richland Community College
Patty Zuccarello, Joliet Junior College


Michelle Adams; Olive Harvey College, City Colleges of Chicago
C. Viggy Alexandersson
; Malcolm X, City Colleges of Chicago
M. Lynn Breer, Lake Land College
Jason Dockter, Lincoln Land Community College
Cherie Meador, Moraine Valley Community College
Jeremy Mongold, Highland Community College
Lonetta Oliver, Illinois Central College
Lori Ragland, Rend Lake College
Amanda Smith, Rock Valley College
Cathy Taylor, Elgin Community College


Michelle Adams; Olive Harvey College, City Colleges of Chicago
Ashley Becker, Southwestern Illinois College
M. Lynn Breer, Lake Land College
Barbara Leach, Kishwaukee College
Cherie Meador, Moraine Valley Community College
Lonetta Oliver, Illinois Central College
Lori Ragland, Rend Lake College
Kristin Shelby, Shawnee Community College
Amanda Smith, Rock Valley College
Cathy Taylor, Elgin Community College
Kenneth Thompson, Joliet Junior College